I am...

A software manager looking for ways to make meetings matter, collaboration happen, and personalities work despite the limitations of an increasingly virtual workforce.

I blog about meetings, management, and mobile offices.

I live...

in Knoxville, TN with my husband, two dogs and too many cats, where I work from my too-quiet home office unless I'm in the living room, dining room, or wherever the sun is shining.

I’m starting to like certain airports

That’s wrong, right?  I hadn’t traveled much in the past four years, spending most of my time in my home office.  In the past three months, though, I’ve logged quite a few air miles – and opinions about airports.

Knoxville: my home airport and one of the nicest.  The bathroom stalls are big – so I don’t have to awkwardly wrangle my carry-on – and the aesthetics (and people) are just plain nice.  Plus, if you’re there for any length of time, you can sit on rocking chairs and stare out at the mountains.

Charlotte: you suck.  Really.  Stapling pieces of paper over outlets – with a hand-scrawled “Do Not Use” - is tacky and ridiculous.  Charge me to use them, or charge me for something else, I don’t care, but don’t keep me from charging my laptop and phone while sitting in your stupid airport waiting to board a delayed flight.

Phoenix: moving walkway after moving walkway after moving walkway.  And this one needs a coat of paint and a deep-cleaning.  Bonus, though, for having a Starbucks deep within each terminal and not just in the connecting areas.

Indianapolis: love this one.  Bathroom stalls are big, moving walkways are convenient, and each terminal has a massage place that’s actually open most of the time!  And they keep your frequent massage card on file for you! And the restaurant bar has a view! (of the boring, flat Midwest, but still….)  It’s the little things.

Seattle: honestly, your airport is nothing special, but the people here are so very nice, and the open carpeted areas are nice for stretching out legs and (apparently) sleeping on one’s duffel bag.  If only you had more conveniently located (and, ahem, cleaner) bathrooms.


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