I am...

A software manager looking for ways to make meetings matter, collaboration happen, and personalities work despite the limitations of an increasingly virtual workforce.

I blog about meetings, management, and mobile offices.

I live...

in Knoxville, TN with my husband, two dogs and too many cats, where I work from my too-quiet home office unless I'm in the living room, dining room, or wherever the sun is shining.

Book recommendation: Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni

I don't know how I missed it. For the past year I've been struggling with the awareness that I'm sometimes bored to tears during meetings -- my own meetings. Nothing is worse than being bored by the sound of your own voice.

Well, maybe one thing is worse: silence. I've found myself thinking highly and positively of anyone willing to speak up and save me from a collaborative meeting gone bad. I've critiqued the questions I use to ask for involvement, I've asked for input, and I've listened frantically (yes, you can listen frantically) on every meeting I've been able to wrangle an invitation for, but my meetings still suck.

Then I read "Death by Meeting" by Patrick Lencioni.

How did I miss this man's books? Written as "business parables," they're interesting and easy reads, perfect for a flight or train trip. Despite the simple language, though, I was thoroughly engaged.

His premise: meetings, like movies, need conflict to be interesting and context to be productive. It's a fascinating and simple analogy. Read more here.


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